An economy that works! – Schmidt-MacArthur Lecture
– When 5 billion more people come online…. Imagine the innovation!
To hear those powerful words from the mouth of Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt made quite an impression on me. Just imagine! All of us on the Internet. Google have set their goal; Internet access for all people on earth. Quite a goal for a company to set. What goals should the rest of us set? As owners of companies, as workers and as individuals… Let´s set powerful ones!
In this blog post I will summarize my experiences from last weeks visit to the first public meeting with the Schmidt-MacArthur Fellowship in venerable Royal Institute of Britain (London, June 19 2013).
Wendy Schmidt, President of the Schmidt Family Foundation.
First Wendy Schmidt, President of the Schmidt Family Foundation, gave a short opening address recalling happy moments in meetings with Ellen MacArthur and the Foundation, leading to the initiation of the collaboration. Wendy devotes all of her time to the foundation and is very concerned with the current situation and hope this Fellowship, along with other efforts, will spread new ideas and knowleadge faster to our world.
The theme for the day was how to make the transition from the current economy, one that does not work, to a one that does. If we make our economy circular it will be regenerative and beneficial for all. For those reading this not knowing exactly what the Ellen MacArthur Foundation does, Wikipedia explains shortly: ”The idea of a circular economy synthesised a number existing strands of work and specifically enabled the analysis and communication of its broad economic potential. The Foundation, as part of its educational mission, works to bring together complementary schools of thought and create a coherent framework, thus giving the concept a wide exposure and appeal”. As they did today.
Eric Schmidt gave a powerful and insightful speech, he was also very entertaining and funny!
After Wendy got off stage, Executive Chairman of Google; Eric Schmidt continued. I specifically remember him saying that in 5 years almost all of us will have access in some way to the Internet and nobody knows what that will lead to. Internet already allows new innovations and information sharing along with ideas to be spread and only the future will tell what it will be like when there are 5 billion more people online. He also belives that the internet will have a central role to support and enable re-organisation of energy, resources & business. I´m looking forward on what the Schmidt-MacArthur Fellowship will do next.
Dame Ellen MacArthur, Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
At this piont the panel was keen to debate and the six experts and thought-leaders: McKinsey’s Jeremy Oppenheim, William McDonough and Michael Braungart, authors of the books Cradle to Cradle and The upcycle, Walter Stahel, Founder and Director of the Product Life Institute and member of the Club of Rome, biomimicry pioneer Janine Benyus, and of course Ellen MacArthur started by reflecting shortly on the subject :circular economy from their piont of view.
– Values first, said William McDonough, when he started his speach. He believes that the way to install the circular economy is by putting the focus on the need for defining clear business values. We are still often trapped in the idea of ‘doing less’ efforts employed by many companies and governments around the world. If we start with values, business would develope much faster in this positive direction, said McDonough.
Walter Stahel, Founder and Director of the Product Life Institute and member of the Club of Rome pointed out that we need : 1) a holistic view on the chances that circular economy represent, 2) to see the enormous job potential in this! 3)recognize the possibility to create an regional economy, 4) Speed up! We need to sell this idea now; Salesmen in! We will write the success story about circular economy. 5) Support the experts. Speak up. We know the facts, now let sustainable design and ideas take form!
Braungart adressed the fact that many companies at the moment privitaze the profits and socialize the risk. He also discussed the necessity of a broader economic change, such as shifting taxation away from labour.
”Biomimicry pioneer Janine Benyus added another angle to the panel focusing on what system and product design can learn from biology, specifically with regards to additive manufacturing; ‘growing’ products rather than extracting them from another material.
Ellen MacArthur reflected on the panel discussion and the rest of the day in her closing remarks, which focused on the process of learning that she underwent in setting up the Foundation and getting to this point, and the continued importance of learning and collaboration in expanding and adding detail in our ‘mapping’ of a circular economy.” (quote from the well written abstract, made by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation).
Listen to the podcast of Eric Schmidt’s keynote speech, with introduction with Foundation CEO Jamie Butterworth and information on the Fellowship from Wendy Schmidt. Click here
After the main event I was happy to make contact with William McDonough and Michael Braungart, authors of the hugely influential books ”Cradle to cradle” and ”The Upcycle”. (If you have not read them, I strongly recommend you to do! The books are very positive and focused on solutions.) We said we would talk more in the future. Looking forward to it!
/Carina Sundqvist
Speaker and business developer with focus on the circular economy
Photo: Carina Sundqvist, last photo of me and Braungart: Anis Gabbur.